Company Structure
Weleda consists of 19 majority shareholders and the company employs approximately 2,000 people worldwide. About 40 percent of the capital and about 80 percent of the voting rights of the Weleda AG are owned by two major shareholders, the General Anthroposophical Society (AAG, Dornach, Switzerland) and the Arlesheim Clinic (KA, Arlesheim, Switzerland), formerly Ita Wegman Klinik AG. The remaining registered shares and the non-voting participation certificates are in free float. Only members of the AAG are eligible for registration in the share register.
Weleda’s commitment to sustainability from the beginning
Since the company’s founding in 1921, Weleda has been socially, environmentally and economically responsibly in all its business operations from the procurement of raw materials to the manufacture of skin care and medicinal products, packaging and distribution.
Weleda also grows medicinal plants and runs its own tincture production facility, where there is further processing of raw materials through distillation, extraction or potentising. Although some of our methods have changed over time, we have always been true to ourselves, our founders and our values. Socially, environmentally and economically we operate on the same principles since founding. We truly believe that it is this consistency which makes a positive difference to the world.
With an expected increase in the world’s population, from seven to nine billion by 2050, the demand for diminishing natural resources is growing. According to the anthroposophic ideas of Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Weleda, we must do our best to support an adequate living for everyone today, without compromising the needs of future generations.
This can be achieve this by protecting and respecting our environment and its biodiversity, by treating and remunerating employees, partners and communities fairly, and by building an ethical economy which creates, rather than diminishes, value.